Trade Reconstruction is a requirement for Financial Markets compliance.

Financial Institutions must be able to gather evidence and reconstruct a timeline of events related to trades within 72 hours of the request.

This is not achievable manually.
Reduction in hours spent on Swap reporting reconstructions alone.
Trade Reconstructions per week is the norm for our Tier 1 clients.
Communication match accuracy out of the box.
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The only tool that automatically links all trades, orders and communications in one platform
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Reconstruct trades in minutes, not months
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Automatically link all trade events, orders and communications in a single timeline.

The only trade reconstruction tool that provides continuous, automated linking of trade events, orders and communications for end-to-end visibility of the entire trade cycle on demand.
Communication Data
Our data agnostic solution seamlessly connects to any communication source providing end-to-end visibility.
Full Context Capture
Connect to any source
Network Agnostic
Trade & Order Data
Trade & Order Data
Our data agnostic solution seamlessly connects to your exisiting trade systems.
Direct connection to your trading platform
Probability Scoring
Track Notional and Price

Specialised communication transcription and analysis for financial markets firms.

Our clients trust Wall Street’s most advanced Natural Language Processing technology to help highlight relevant information for better decision making, as well as fuelling automated workflows across their institutions.

Regulator ready reporting
at the click of a button.

Timely metrics into your trading activity derived from audio/text to keep your competitive edge.

Gain end-to-end insight over
your trading activity.

Financial transcription and NLP to help analyse sales quotes, offers and overall client engagement.

Make Trade Reconstruction
a tool for your front office.

Elevate your financial strategy discussions with our transcription engine, converting complex positions into actionable insights. Capture, analyse and optimize your voice trading strategies.

Our clients report up to 250% reduction in hours spent on Swap reporting alone.

Regulations like Dodd-Frank, MiFID II, and CFTC rules increasingly demand comprehensive reconstructions of swap and derivative trades. This goes beyond just reporting – it's about compliance, transparency, and market abuse prevention.

Trade Reconstruction

High accuracy in communication analysis is essential to achieving successful trade reconstructions.

Unparalleled voice transcription accuracy.

Leveraging large language models has revolutionised transcription processes, elevating accuracy and context comprehension. Our model is adept at handling linguistic nuances and industry-specific terms, offer a scalable and efficient solution for transforming spoken language into written text across diverse conversations.
Financial Jargon Recognition
Speaker Identification
Multilingual Support

Advanced AI algorithms that recreate trade lifecycles.

Our solution uses sophisticated algorithms to automatically link data points, create timelines, and reconstruct the complete picture of each trade. This saves you time and effort, while minimizing the risk of human error.

Entity Detection

Our entity detection accurately extracts financial elements, including notional amounts, quantities, and counter parties. When combined with metadata analysis, it automates the matching of communications to trades, providing fully reconstructed trade records

Intelligent Classification

Our intelligent classification leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to automatically categorise essential financial data. By seamlessly organising and classifying trade-related information, this advanced approach streamlines the reconstruction process, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in navigating complex financial datasets.
Rethink your reporting.
Revolutionize your regulatory reporting processes and unlock valuable insights with continuous, proactive trade reconstruction.

Illuminate your organisation.

We built our platform with a singular vision: to transform how businesses see and leverage their communication data, seamlessly meeting risk and compliance needs across industries.